Last night I started to read the book, "Shake hands with the devil" by Romeo Dallaire. He starts his introduction off with the story of a little boy. He was driving through a rough part of Rwanda, one that had been completely destroyed by the Hutu's went through and either killed everyone or drove them out, when a little boy appeared on the road. This little Rwanda boy, was covered in dirt, smelling like rotting bodies, with a small biscuit. Finally, when LGen Dallaire found the young man who was taking care of him, Romeo was sure he wanted to take this little child home with him and give him a loving household to live in. Romeo never did end up bringing the boy home, but that image will stick with him forever.
I was asked today by someone if I had a son. I thought that was a sill question, being only a few weeks short of my 18th birthday, but it got me thinking. There are 13 Million orphaned children in this world. 13 million children having no home to call their own. I cannot imagine not having a house of my own to walk into every day after school, or a mother to spill my problems to, or a father who would go play ball with me. These children need a family, and there are so many people with the resources to adopt, but choose not to.
So do I have a son? No. I hope I do someday though.
Do I want him to be my own flesh and blood? I don't know.
I want to help give these children a hope. A new life.
How do I do that? I don't know. I am only 18. For now all I have it