Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I do not know if those of you who will read this have ever seen Dawson's Creek, but it is a television show, which at times is not appropriate, but captures my interest nontheless. My favorite character in the show, though it has changed, has to be Pacey Witter. Pacey throughout the show does have his numerous problems, such as his affairs with teachers and the like, but Pacey is the only one I can truly relate to. That sounds kind of off, because no I do not really think of myself as Pacey, but Pacey is the kind of guy I would want as my best friend. The last show I watched, Andie and Pacey were just getting to know each other and through a string of coincidences Pacey finds himself at Andies house, the last place she wants him, and Andie tells Pacey about the death of her brother. And how her mother will not face the fact that he is dead. Through her explanation, you can tell that Andie is scared, she is scared of embarassement, and scared of what may come out of telling Pacey, but mostly she is scared of his pity. Pacey tried to hug her, but she pushes him away saying she doesnt want his pity, but Pacey does not give up, he pulls her closer and tells her it is not pity she is receiving. Pacey astounds me. He is he joker in the group, and yet has not had the easiest life. But he is the best friend. He does stupid things, but he cares more than anyone else seems too. I wish I had a friend like Pacey. Someone who may not always be the best example to follow will ALWAYS be there for you. I love that.
*side note - I am not saying that I would replace any of my friends for Pacey because I love you all so much more!

Monday, August 22, 2005

the end of one thing, yet the beginning of another

Well, summer has quickly flown by, and I have not even had the time to post a blog. That may be because I was not near a computer very much, or just because of my lack of time, either way I have decided it is long overdue. Summer started out as one thing, and quickly turned into something completely different when God took hold of it. I started out working at the theatre. It was fun, but I missed camp a lot this summer.
I discussed it with my parents, quit my job, went to Urban Promise in Toronto for a week, than went straight to camp, and oh what a time I had there.
I got to know people, I never thought I would, between Button (Don't worry he is an idiot) and Skittles and Maraca(We never did have our late night talk), and Fenway(ohh how I love thee Fenway) and Pheeny(what a nice bod you have, darling), and Ripp(I miss your outdoor cooking class) and Rafikik (did you say bloom bum, or blue bum?!?!) and Roscoe(thank you for everything) and Fantaand "Spinner"(you guys are soo cute!) and Pixie(your hugs made my day) and Hubcap(my forever brother) and Lily (Sister 4eva!) and Dot(it was like you were at camp when you weren't! But I missed you!) and Jacky and Cody and Malibu, it was so great to have you all there this past week! I met the greatest children in the world, Ryan and Cody and I miss them terribly! I also fell in love with my boyfriend Richard! Ah!